Having a proper setup is very important when working from home. Else it can mess up your posture, back, neck, ...
I recently upgraded my work-from-home setup. If anyone wants suggestions how and what I did, will be happy to share.
I had posted this on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6799935956540624896/
To my surprise, a lot of people responded to know more about this setup. Instead of replying one at a time, here is what I did to help me have a better work environment. But before the solution, here are the problems I was facing:
- I was sitting for around 10-12 hours on my chair every work-day
- Though I try to maintain a good posture, I figured out I kept slouching automatically over time
- As a result, my back started paining
I had to change something quickly, because this weird time is just not ending.
So, this is what I did. I researched and spoke to lot of people, and figured that a standing desk will help me maintain a good posture and avoid back pain.
My work setup though had a fixed desk, which I could not change. So I did the following setup:
1. Adjustable desk - which I can change to use as a standing desk or sit-down desk
Rife Instant Gas Spring Sit Stand Converter Desk
2. Too much standing in the day caused my legs and lower back to start paining. So I invested in a Saddle Seat
Rife Ergonomic Adjustable Rolling Active Chair, Saddle Seat and Angle Adjustment
3. To reduce the strain on my eyes, I got a good & large monitor to connect to my laptop, with a keyboard & mouse
Dell 24 inch (60.96 cm) Ultra Thin Bezel LED Backlit Computer Monitor
4. Because I work on 2 laptops, there was a challenge when I needed to switch between the 2 machines as one laptop had the keyboard and mouse connected, the other did not. So I bought a multi-device wireless keyboard and mouse - which can automatically switch between any laptop of choice - by a click of a button, or a simple gesture.
Logitech MK850 Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo
Hope this helps others!
Stay safe, stay healthy!