Showing posts with label tdd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tdd. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2022

Evolving TDD

I had posted an update to my earlier blog post about TDD & its variations. Well, not surprisingly, I have encountered some more variations of this amazing practice. Here is the updated list with the new additions called out.

ATDD = Anti-Trust Driven Development
BDD = Benefit Driven Development
CDD = Cribbing Driven Development
CDD = Control Driven Development
IDD = Indifference Driven Development
ODD = Optimism Driven Development
PDD = Punishment Driven Development
RDD = Reporting Driven Development
SDD = Slide(s) Driven Development
SDD = Short-cut Driven Development

A few variants kindly shared by the community members:
FDD = Food Driven Development
SGDD = Style Guide Driven Development

To recap, here is the original list
ATDD = Acceptance Test Driven Development
BDD = Behavior / Business Driven Development
BDD = Blame Driven Development
BDD = Buzzword Driven Development
CDD = Complexity Driven Development
CDD = Calendar Driven Development
CDD = Checklist Driven Development
CDD = Chadi (stick) Driven Development
CDD = Constraint Driven Development
CPDD / CDD = Copy-Paste Driven Development
DDD = Demo Driven Development
DDD = Date Driven Development
DDD = Defect Driven Development
DDD = Document (PRD) Driven Development
EDD = Escalation Driven Development
EDD = Estimation Driven Development
EDD = Excel Driven Development
FDD = Fake-it Driven Development
FDD = Fashion Driven Development
FDD = Fear Driven Development
FDD = Footwear (punishment) Driven Development
HDD = Hope Driven Development (fingers crossed)
IDD = Instinct Driven Development
IDD = Issue Driven Development
JDD = Jira Driven Development
MDD = Metrics Driven Development
MDD = Manager / Management Driven Development
MDD = Mandate Driven Development
MDD = Meeting Driven Development
NDD = No-Drive (towards) Development
PDD = Patch(work) Driven Development
PDD = Plan Driven Development
PDD = Prayer Driven Development
PDD = Process Driven Development
PDD = Profanity Driven Development
RDD = Resource Driven Development
RDD = Resume Driven Development
SDD = Stackoverflow Driven Development
SDD = Stakeholder Driven Development
SDD = Swallow-exceptions Driven Development
SDD = Sprint Driven Development
TDD = Trust Driven Development
VDD = Velocity Driven Development

Thursday, January 7, 2021

TDD and its variations in 2021

Back in 2018, I had written a blog post about Test Driven Development (TDD) and its modern variations.

Today I have some more insights on the variations.

To recap, here is the original list

BDD = Behavior / Business Driven Development
BDD = Blame Driven Development
BDD = Buzzword Driven Development
CDD = Calendar Driven Development
CDD = Checklist Driven Development
CDD = Chadi (stick) Driven Development
CDD = Constraint Driven Development
DDD = Date Driven Development
DDD = Defect Driven Development
DDD = Document (PRD) Driven Development
EDD = Escalation Driven Development
EDD = Estimation Driven Development
EDD = Excel Driven Development
FDD = Fashion Driven Development
FDD = Fear Driven Development
FDD = Footwear (punishment) Driven Development
HDD = Hope Driven Development (fingers crossed)
IDD = Instinct Driven Development
IDD = Issue Driven Development
JDD = Jira Driven Development
MDD = Metrics Driven Development
MDD = Manager / Management Driven Development
NDD = No-Drive (towards) Development
PDD = Patch(work) Driven Development
PDD = Plan Driven Development
PDD = Prayer Driven Development
PDD = Process Driven Development
RDD = Resource Driven Development
RDD = Resume Driven Development
SDD = Stackoverflow Driven Development
SDD = Stakeholder Driven Development

Here are the new variations I have come across:

ATDD = Acceptance Test Driven Development
CDD = Complexity Driven Development
CPDD / CDD = Copy-Paste Driven Development
DDD = Demo Driven Development
FDD = Fake-it Driven Development
MDD = Mandate Driven Development

MDD = Meeting Driven Development
PDD = Profanity Driven Development
SDD = Swallow-exceptions Driven Development
SDD = Sprint Driven Development
TDD = Trust Driven Development
VDD = Velocity Driven Development 

Have you come across any of the above variants? Anything I have missed?

Monday, July 23, 2018

A few thoughts on Test Automation

Deepanshu Agarwal and Brijesh Deb asked some very interesting questions on a LinkedIn post. Since I have some verbose thoughts on this, thought it is better to respond via a blog post instead.

  • Why is Test Automation still considered suitable only for regression testing? What about writing automation tests sooner as in case of Test Driven Development?
    • [Anand] - Depends what you call test automation? If ONLY FUNCTIONAL, then its better to explore the product first, investigate / have conversations with developers on what lower-level tests are already automated, and then based on cost / risk-value analysis, decide what else needs to be automated at Functional layer.

      A tangential rant ....
      The reason we think about classifications such as SMOKE, SANITY, REGRESSION in Functional Automation ONLY has a big reason. These tests are inherently very slow, brittle and it takes a lot of effort to ensure these tests give poor feedback on exact point / reason of failure. 

      I have never seen any other form of tests - say Unit tests, which would be magnitudes in number larger than the functional tests (hopefully) ever have any such classification. We all just say, the unit tests ran, not the smoke unit tests ran. 

      We need to grow up and understand the reason behind this. We need to make our top-of-the-pyramid tests as less in number as possible. We need to ensure we use good programming / development practices and get quick and reliable feedback from these tests. Else we will keep focussing on the symptoms, and never get to the root cause.

      --- Rant ends

      Once we understand this, then it is a matter of understanding in the context what can and needs to happen first, and what next. In most cases TDD will work. But TDD as a Functional Spec may, or may-not be an overkill .... the team has to decide that.
  • Why do the automated tests always have to derived from manual tests?
    • [Anand] - What is a manual test? Something that a machine is not performing? How do you do "manual testing"? Is Exploratory Testing subset of Manual Testing, or the other way, or any other thoughts on that?

      From the perspective of "automated tests" - I read it as "automated functional tests" here. In that case, the answer for the above question holds true here as well.

      Continuing from that thought - I think the approach (of deriving automated tests from so-called manual tests) is better than thinking upfront what tests I am going to automate and then proceed with the implementation without any thought or regard to any other learning along the way.
  • The tests classified as manual tests are only focused at ensuring certain checks. What about actually running some tests to discover the unknown?
    • [Anand] I don't want to get into the 'checks' debate. It is futile!

      All I have understood is - you cannot just spend time looking at the requirements / specs and write down (in your mind / bullet points / story cards / some fancy ALM tool) your test cases / scenarios. 

      That list is just a starting point of your journey of exploration and experimentation with the product-under-test. If you think that what you have identified is your actual scope of testing, then ALL THE BEST to you, your team and your product - because there are going to be so many opportunities you have missed out to make the product better and usable for the end-user. Unfortunately, lot of organisation still look for "regression" testing cycles - where (you think) you execute all the tests that were identified in a time long ago. However, everyone knows, it is best case / best effort, IF AT ALL, of actually following each and every step of that regression cycle. Such a waste of time and effort - when more meaningful testing could have been performed during that time.
  • Why is that exploratory tests are still considered suitable only for manual testing? How about automating exploratory tests using AI?
    • [Anand] What is the meaning of "exploration"?
      As per a quick online search, this is what it means:

      Now - how can you automate the unknown / unfamiliar? You can use tools to help figure out what is unknown / unfamiliar ... but once you know it, then it does not remain 'unknown'. I think buzzwords like AI and ML are tools to help bridge the gap in the known and the unknown. But we would still need to guide and use these tools and technologies to our advantage, to aid in our exploration.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Test Driven Development (TDD) and its modern variations

NOTE / RECOMMENDATION - This blog post is to be read with your funny side switched on!

First - lets answer the question - What is TDD?
Directly from - Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: Requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests, only. This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.
American software engineer Kent Beck, who is credited with having developed or "rediscovered"[1] the technique, stated in 2003 that TDD encourages simple designs and inspires confidence.
Test-driven development is related to the test-first programming concepts of extreme programming, begun in 1999,[3] but more recently has created more general interest in its own right.

However, over the years, fortunately or unfortunately, I have also come across various different techniques (used consciously / unconsciously) in Software Development, to get the work done. Some of them are listed below - in alphabetical order:

BDD = Behavior / Business Driven Development
BDD = Blame Driven Development
BDD = Buzzword Driven Development
CDD = Calendar Driven Development
CDD = Checklist Driven Development
CDD = Chadi (stick) Driven Development
CDD = Constraint Driven Development
DDD = Date Driven Development
DDD = Defect Driven Development
DDD = Document (PRD) Driven Development
EDD = Escalation Driven Development
EDD = Estimation Driven Development
EDD = Excel Driven Development
FDD = Fashion Driven Development
FDD = Fear Driven Development
FDD = Footwear (punishment) Driven Development
HDD = Hope Driven Development (fingers crossed)
IDD = Instinct Driven Development
IDD = Issue Driven Development
JDD = Jira Driven Development
MDD = Metrics Driven Development
MDD = Manager / Management Driven Development
PDD = Patch(work) Driven Development
PDD = Plan Driven Development
PDD = Prayer Driven Development
PDD = Process Driven Development
RDD = Resource Driven Development
RDD = Resume Driven Development
SDD = Stackoverflow Driven Development
SDD = Stakeholder Driven Development

And the last one -
NDD = No-Drive (towards) Development

Any other style of development you have come across in your experience?
Hope you had fun reading the list! 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Enabling Continuous Delivery (CD) in Enterprises with Testing

I spoke about "Enabling Continuous Delivery (CD) in Enterprises with Testing" in Unicom's World Conference on Next Generation Testing

I started this talk by stating that I am going to prove that "A Triangle = A Pentagon". 

A Triangle == A Pentagon??

I am happy to say that I was able to prove that "A Triangle IS A Pentagon" - in fact, left reasonable doubt in the audience mind that "A Triangle CAN BE an n-dimensional Polygon".
Confused? How is this related to Continuous Delivery (CD), or Testing? See the slides and the video from the talk to know more.

This topic is also available on ThoughtWorks Insights.

Below are some pictures from the conference.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Feedback Tradeoff

If you are a tester doing or involved with Test Automation, or a developer, I hope you are following the exciting debate about Test Driven Development (TDD) and its impact on software design. If you are not, you should!

My summary and takeaways from Part 3 of the series is now out on ThoughtWorks Insights - "The Feedback Tradeoff". 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Is TDD Dead?

If you are a tester doing or involved with Test Automation, or a developer, I hope you are following the exciting debate about Test Driven Development (TDD) and its impact on software design. If you are not, you should!

Following Part 2 of the series "Test-induced design damage" - I wrote a blog which is published on ThoughtWorks Insights - "Test-Induced Design Damage. Fallacy or Reality?"

[UPDATE]: My summary and takeaways from Part 3 of the series is now out on ThoughtWorks Insights - "The Feedback Tradeoff".