Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Using fakesms service in Functional Test Automation

How do you automate OTP related test scenarios? Do you use a fake SMS service? Does it have restapi to query the SMS messages? geography support? 

To clarify - this needs to be done as part of my functional test automation, where,

  • the test could be running against a browser, where the browser does not have access to the phone, or,
  • the test could be running against a real mobile device (without SIM), so no way to receive the SMS, or,
  • the test could be running against an emulator (no SIM), so no way to receive the SMS
Scenarios include: login, payment, SMS content 

Hence I am thinking about using a fakesms service which has API access capabilities to retrieve the SMS. This will help when running automation on browser or devices / emulators without SIM.

  • There is no access to DB or API to query the OTP. 
  • I don't mind using a paid service


Thanks in advance for your help!


  1. you can ask developers to configure the static OTP to validate the functional flow.
    Alternatively, you can create a mock api with some framework like Mountebank that mimics the real use case and just use that as a part of your testing.
    More about Mountebank here :

  2. You can use they have API also
