vodQA-Pune - Less Talk, Only Action!
When? - Saturday, 27th Aug 2016, 8.30am - 5.30pm
ThoughtWorks, Pune
6th Floor, Binarius Building,
Beside Sales Tax Office, Shastrinagar, Yerawada
Pune, Maharashtra 411006
vodQA Pune - Less Talk, Only Action!
- Registration - 8.30am- 9.15am
- Welcome note - 9.15am
1. Automating Web Analytics - Why? How?
Do you know –
• What is Web Analytics?
• How does Web Analytics work?
• Why is it important? How to test Web Analytics?
• How can we ensure correct data is sent to the Web Analytics server, every time, for all the actions?
Attend this workshop to learn ‘What is Web Analytics?’ and why it is an extremely important aspect of Software Development & Testing for your product / service to succeed!
We will share some techniques for testing Web Analytics - in a non-automated way - and why that is very challenging and error-prone.
We will learn, via hands-on activity, about WAAT - Web Analytics Automation Testing Framework (https://essenceoftesting.blogspot.com/search/label/waat) - an open-source solution, to automate validation of correct information / tags being sent to the Web Analytic server for different user actions as part of your regular Selenium-WebDriver Test Automation Framework.
Lastly, we will see how the impact of Analytics has changed dramatically with more adoption and spread of IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data, and what we need to do to be part of the change, if not influencers of change!
- JDK 1.8
- IDE (Eclipse / IntelliJ Idea / etc.)
- Git
- Firefox browser compatible with Selenium v2.53.1 (v46)
- Also refer here for steps to run Appium tests using WAAT
2. Performance testing with Gatling for Beginners
Gatling is a server side performance testing tool. This workshop aims at giving introduction to Gatling and facilitating participants to write their first performance tests using Gatling.
> Brief intro to Gatling
> Using Postman to check stub server(created using mountebank for workshop)
> Write a sample test using gatling (pre set up machines are provided)
- Participants should know at least one programming language well (Gatling tests are written in Scala. But participants need not know Scala)
- Prior knowledge of what 'Performance testing is?' would help.
System requirements:
- Homebrew (Package Manager for Mac)
- Java 8
- Gradle
- Intellij IDE(Add Scala plug in)
3. Game of Test Automation
We are going to use a game to work out the WHY, WHAT and HOW of test automation within the context of consumers, application, skillset, mindset, etc.
Pre-Reqs: None
4. Security Testing - Operation Vijay
It is now the days of the web. All businesses move their applications online for their customers to use.
Many of these applications contain critical data of the customers such as credit card details, their personal details and so on. These data are very valuable. If these data fall in the wrong hands, they can have disastrous consequences.
Attacks on these systems can destroy the trust that the customers have for the business, they can cause great losses to the customers as well as the business, and so on.
The motivation behind attacks could be different like earning money, earning popularity, destroying a competitor company, etc.
No matter what the intention of the attack is, we need to develop safe applications and we need to know the various vulnerabilities and the consequences of our decisions when we develop applications.
Similarly, we should be aware of the various vulnerabilities before we test the applications so that we can try and exploit it during the testing phase and ensure better quality and safer applications.
- Java
- Modern Browser like Firefox/Chrome
5. Automate your Mobile tests with Appium
Introduction to Appium.
Appium design for Android and iOS
How to locate elements on android and iOS applications(Inspector).
Hands-on code snippet for android and iOS(Wordpress as sample app)
Generating reports (ExtentReports)
Evolve code snippet written above into a Page Object Framework.
6. Increase Automation to REST
What are web services and why we use them?
How to test a web service in multiple ways?
Increased familiarity with automation
Tools used : rest client, postman (mention alternatives), unirest JAVA and requests python
7. Let's cook Cucumber
In this workshop we will be covering:
Advantages of BDD through cucumber example.
Framework setup along with JAVA and Selenium.
Writing one end to end test case in real world.
If time permits - will be covering basic Refactoring
- IntelliJ
- Java 1.8
- Maven
- Firefox 46
8. Mobile Automation using Espresso
- Ensure you have Java 7 or beyond, installed on your box. If not you can download it from here
- Download & install Virtual Box from here
- Download and install Android Studio from here.
- Also kindly download the android command line tools from the above link.
- If you open android studio, it will ask you download & setup Android API and build tools which is useful for debug & compile our apps so please follow the steps. Ensure you have following things installed before you come for workshop and downloading it takes lot of time.
- Android SDK build-tools v23.0
- Android API 5.0 or above
- Install Android Support library from Extras.
- Please google in case of any issues while installing SDK
- Download the basic version on Genymotion Android Emulator from here
- Make sure you chose the basic version which is free for use(Go to individual tab).
- You will be asked to create account with Genymotion before downloading the Genymotion package/installer
- Confirm your account by pressing the link sent to your registered email id
- Once you download, install Genymotion Android Emulator by following the instructions here
- Once you install, open/start Genymotion and click on Add(+) link to add a new virtual device and press Signin and login
- Select Android Version 6.0.0 and Device model Google Nexus 5 or 6. For more details follow the instruction mentioned here
- Select from available option, Press Next and wait till download finishes.
- Press start button & you should see emulator running.
- You’re all set for the event.