Monday, April 16, 2018

Essence of Testing - A new beginning

In my career so far, I have been very fortunate to have got great mentors, and a variety of opportunities to learn, add value, and share my experiences with others around me.

Here are some of these experiences:
  • Worked in various sized organisations across the globe in the past couple of decades
  • The teams have been big and small
  • Played a variety of roles - Quality Analyst, SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test), Product Quality Engineer (PQE), Automation Engineer, Consultant, Coach, Project Manager, Director - Quality, Support Engineer, etc.
  • Worked with teams having products in different domains - Health care, eCommerce, Banking / Finance, Retail, Entertainment (OTT), Research, etc. 
  • With in organisations (B2B and B2C space): WebMD, Borland Software, Microsoft (Redmond, USA), AmberPoint (USA / India), ThoughtWorks, Vuclip 
  • Shared experiences with other via Meetups and Conferences world-wide
  • Created opensource tools like WAAT, TTA, TaaS
After working as an employee in these organisations for almost a couple of decades now, I have taken a plunge to do something different.

I am now looking forward to work with Organisations and Teams, to help co-create optimized solutions towards shipping a quality product. Leave me a message on my blog, or send me an email at to talk more on how we can work together!

As part of this journey, even before I was able to buy my own laptop, and warm it up, I got an interesting consulting assignment, thanks to a dear friend.
This assignment was exactly what I needed to get started - it was a Discovery Workshop, with the following objective:
  • Learn and understand the current state of the team and the product they were building
  • Understand current (perceived) challenges
  • Suggest improvements for the team in areas of:
    • Tweaks in the current processes
    • Practices to be adopted / got better at / or stopped (as anti-patterns and not adding value)
    • Identify opportunities to Test better, and early
    • Suggest a Test Automation Pyramid that is fit-for-purpose for the team
    • Suggest strategy, tools and approach for end-2-end (e2e) functional automation

As I usually do, I started off the workshop with my favorite tool for note taking - Mind Maps! As the conversations evolved and got specific, I started with a Balanced Mind-Map  to Fishbone Mind-Map.

Eventually I consolidated my thoughts and created the Discovery Workshop Report for the client in the form of a slide deck, using the following approach.

  • Learning from Discovery
    • Talk with the Team members
    • See & understand the project management tool, quality of requirements, etc.
    • See the code - understand complexity, types of tests written, quality of tests, etc.
    • See the Testing related artifacts - test cases, test execution strategy, exploratory testing, etc.
    • See the CI server - how deployments happen, what causes the builds to fail, etc.
  • Recommendations
    • For all the above areas, I created recommendations on what different aspects may help the team move ahead in a better way
Discovery and Recommendations were based on each specific activity:
    • Process
    • Architecture
    • Requirements
    • Development
    • Testing
    • Deployments

Once the learning from the Learning and Recommendation stages were well understood (by me), I then created a Suggested Plan of Execution (in phases / milestones)
  • From the recommendations, I created milestone based plans on what can be started immediately, and what decisions the team needs to take to move forward in other areas

In this 2 week time, unknowingly, in retrospect, the whole engagement was quite agile. There were periodic demos of the POCs, regular progress sharing, and changing direction of discovery and recommendations based on learning.

The Client also appreciated the quality of conversations, and the results that were shared.

All in all, a very satisfying beginning to my new journey with Essence of Testing!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Test Driven Development (TDD) and its modern variations

NOTE / RECOMMENDATION - This blog post is to be read with your funny side switched on!

First - lets answer the question - What is TDD?
Directly from - Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: Requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests, only. This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.
American software engineer Kent Beck, who is credited with having developed or "rediscovered"[1] the technique, stated in 2003 that TDD encourages simple designs and inspires confidence.
Test-driven development is related to the test-first programming concepts of extreme programming, begun in 1999,[3] but more recently has created more general interest in its own right.

However, over the years, fortunately or unfortunately, I have also come across various different techniques (used consciously / unconsciously) in Software Development, to get the work done. Some of them are listed below - in alphabetical order:

BDD = Behavior / Business Driven Development
BDD = Blame Driven Development
BDD = Buzzword Driven Development
CDD = Calendar Driven Development
CDD = Checklist Driven Development
CDD = Chadi (stick) Driven Development
CDD = Constraint Driven Development
DDD = Date Driven Development
DDD = Defect Driven Development
DDD = Document (PRD) Driven Development
EDD = Escalation Driven Development
EDD = Estimation Driven Development
EDD = Excel Driven Development
FDD = Fashion Driven Development
FDD = Fear Driven Development
FDD = Footwear (punishment) Driven Development
HDD = Hope Driven Development (fingers crossed)
IDD = Instinct Driven Development
IDD = Issue Driven Development
JDD = Jira Driven Development
MDD = Metrics Driven Development
MDD = Manager / Management Driven Development
PDD = Patch(work) Driven Development
PDD = Plan Driven Development
PDD = Prayer Driven Development
PDD = Process Driven Development
RDD = Resource Driven Development
RDD = Resume Driven Development
SDD = Stackoverflow Driven Development
SDD = Stakeholder Driven Development

And the last one -
NDD = No-Drive (towards) Development

Any other style of development you have come across in your experience?
Hope you had fun reading the list! 

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Measuring Consumer Quality - The Missing Feedback Loop

I spoke in vodQA at ThoughtWorks, Pune on "Measuring Consumer Quality - the Missing Feedback Loop". 

This talk address the why and how from my earlier blog post on "Understanding, Measuring and Building Consumer Quality". I recommend you read that first, before going through the slides and video for this talk.


How to build a good quality product is not a new topic. Proper usage of methodologies, processes, practices, collaboration techniques can yield amazing results for the team, the organisation, and for the end-users of your product.

While there is a lot of emphasis on the processes and practices side, one aspect that is still spoken about "loosely" - is the feedback loop from your end-users to making better decisions.

SO, What is this feedback loop? Is it a myth? How do you measure it? Is there a "magic" formula to understand this data received? How to you add value to your product using this data?

In this interactive session, we will use a case study of a B2C entertainment-domain product (having millions of consumers) as an example to understand and also answer the following questions:

  • The importance of knowing your Consumers 
  • How do you know your product is working well? 
  • How do you know your Consumers are engaged with your product? 
  • Can you draw inferences and patterns from the data to reach of point of being able to make predictions on Consumer behaviour, before making any code change? 


Slides can be found here.


Friday, March 9, 2018

MAD-LAB - Capabilities & Features - Agile India 2018

I spoke about "Build your own MAD-LAB - for Mobile Test Automation for CD" at Agile India 2018.

Though I have spoken on this similar topic answering the question - "Why I needed to build my own MAD-LAB?" before at vodQA in July 2017 at Vuclip, quite a few things have changed since then.

Knowing the value of "being agile", a day before my scheduled talk in Agile India 2018, I decided to revamp the content substantially. To add to my challenges, (and thanks to "testing" my slides before the talk in the conference room), I also realised the slide size format I was using is incorrect, and also the projector was not "setup / configured" correctly, making all my slide colours go haywire.

So after last 10 minutes of scrambling before the talk time, I managed to get this done correctly (at least that is what I think now in hindsight.

Moral of the above story - do a test / dry-run of your slides before your audience comes in!

That said, here is the abstract of the talk.


In this age of a variety of cloud-based-services for virtual Mobile Test Labs, building a real-(mobile)-device lab for Test Automation is NOT a common thing – it is difficult, high maintenance, expensive! Yet, I had to do it! 

The slides are part of the discussion on the Why, What and How I built my own MAD-LAB (Mobile Automation Devices LAB). The discussion also includes the Automation Strategy, Tech Stack, Capabilities & Features of MAD-LAB and the learnings from successful & failed experiments in the journey. 


Below are the slides from my talk. The link to the video will be shared once available.

Some pictures

Friday, January 26, 2018

Agile Testing & Patterns for a good Test Automation Frameworks

2018 started with a bang! I got an opportunity to speak and share my experiences in 2 rocking meetups.

Patterns of a "good" Test Automation Framework

TechnoWise meetup on 13th Jan on Patterns of a "good" Test Automation Framework went very well, with lot of interaction and discussions along the way.

What is Agile Testing? How does Automation Help?

Then, there was an impromptu meetup setup by a very proactive ISQA community at GO-JEK office in Jakarta, Indonesia on 16th Jan. The topic there was What is Agile Testing? How does Automation help? In this meetup, I also covered aspects of Career Path of a Tester, and QA Skills and Capabilities.

There were many amazing experiences from this meetup -

  • The ISQA community is very active. The meetup was setup in literally a few days and there were over 150+ attendees
  • The GO-JEK office space is a very fun place. They actually have an auditorium in the office to host meetups and similar activities, apparently, once a week!!
  • The questions / interactions with the attendees were very insightful

Here are slides shared in the meetup. I will share the link of the video as well once available.