Monday, July 29, 2013

TaaS @Agile2013

[UPDATE] Final update: The slides AND the audio recording (mp3) of my talk in Agile2013 are now available.

[UPDATE] Slides for the presentation are now available here.
So close, yet so far .... dreading the 15.30 hour non-stop flight from Mumbai to Newark, yet super excited to speak in Agile 2013, Integration testing in Enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study, on 5th August, from 2pm-3.15pm. Complete schedule is available here.

Monday, July 15, 2013

TaaS and BDT - back to back at WCNGT, Bangalore

I had a great time talking about TaaS and BDT at WCNGT conference in Bangalore on 11th July 2013.

Here is more information about the talks:

Integrated Testing in Enterprises using TaaS:
The audio recording of the talk is available here.
The slides for the talk are available here.
TaaS is available on github and as a gem on

Building the "right" regression suite using Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)
The audio recording of the talk is available here.
The slides for the talk are available here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Building the "right" regression suite using Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)

As a last minute surprise, I have been requested to talk about Building the "right" regression suite using Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) in the World Conference on Next Generation Testing on 11/12 July 2013 in Bangalore. This is another of those topics I feel very strongly about and am very excited at this opportunity.

What this does mean though is that I have back-2-back 2 1-hour sessions at WCNGT2013 - first - Integrated Testing in Enterprises using TaaS, and immediately post lunch - the BDT talk. 

Should be fun ... and hopefully I don't mix up the content in the talks :)

Here is the high-level agenda of the topic: Building the "right" regression suite using Behavior Driven Testing (BDT):

  • Overview of Agile Testing
  • The Test Pyramid
  • Different flavors of TDD
  • BDD – Behavior Driven Development?
  • ATDD – Acceptance Driven Development?
  • BDT – Behavior Driven Testing?
  • Difference between BDD and BDT
  • Tools that support BDT
  • The value proposition for the team - live documentation, business rules, onboarding, etc.

Monday, July 8, 2013

TaaS in WCNGT, Bangalore and Agile 2013, Nashville, USA

A busy couple of weeks for me as I talk about TaaS in World Conference on Next Generation Testing in Bangalore, on 11/12th July 2013, and in Agile 2013 in Nashville, USA, on 4-9th August 2013.
My session details are as follows:

In WCNGT - Integrated Testing In Enterprises Using TaaS, on 11th July, from 12pm-1pm. Detail program is available here.

In Agile 2013, Integration testing in Enterprises using TaaS - via Case Study, on 5th August, from 2pm-3.15pm. Complete schedule is available here.