Friday, May 31, 2013

A very intense BDT workshop in vodQA Bangalore

I, with the help of my colleagues, ran a BDT workshop in vodQA - Get, Set,Test! at Bangalore on 18th May 2013.

It was a very intense workshop, and challenging for us to execute as well for various reasons:
  1. When we had run this workshop as part of vodQA Geek Night in July 2012, we had the opportunity to have a couple of dry runs - which allowed us to fine tune the content + pace ourselves better
  2. The vodQA Geek Night session was 2.5-3 hours in duration
  3. This time around, for vodQA Bangalore, all volunteers driving the workshop were in different locations. After the workshop was selected for this vodQA, we all met face-2-face directly on  the day of the event. So there was no question of a dry run before the event
  4. The duration of the workshop this time around was 1.5 hours.
Despite all the challenges, I think we managed to deliver a good, solid content workshop and all the participants seemed very engaged, and there were a lot of good discussions.

Here are all the photos from vodQA - Get, Set, Test!

The slides used in the workshop are available here. Videos will follow soon.

For more info on past and upcoming vodQAs, please join our vodQA group on facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I can see that you are are genuinely passionate about this! great information.
    thank you...!
