Monday, August 7, 2023

Getting Selenium 4's DevTools working with RemoteWebDriver & Docker

I was facing different errors in using Selenium 4's DevTools working with the Chrome browser in Docker container.

Thanks to Titus Fortner and Diego Molina's quick help, I was able to resolve the same. You can see the conversation with the awesome Selenium Committers here.

In case you are encountering the same problem, see my github repo ( for a working sample of how to set it up.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Speaking schedule in the past year, and crazy July 2023!

I am writing on my blog after a very long time ... Don't remember the last time I wrote a post. So what has happened in the past 6-12 months?

Thanks to the wonderful conference and meetup organizers, I have traveled a lot for the following:

  • DevOps Days 2022 @Switzerland
  • Meetup @New York
  • Meetup @Boston
  • Selenium Conf 2023 @Chicago,
  • Meetup @Sydney,
  • Testing Talks 2022, Melbourne
  • StarEast 2023, Orlando

I also spoke at many meetups and events in Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai and Pune.

I also spoke in some very interesting webinars in this time. The ones that surprised me the most because of the huge popularity and turnouts were:

While doing this, I have been contributing to open-source - teswiz and AppiumTestDistribution are the big noteworthy items. Recent work has been to support Selenium WebDriver v4 and Appium 2.0 in these frameworks.

Now in July 2023, this is the scheduled lineup of events (with dates, location and topics):