Friday, June 29, 2012

Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) in Agile

I am speaking in SoftTec 2012 in Bangalore on 14th July on Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) in Agile

In this talk, I will explain Agile Testing and how a technique called "Behavior Driven Testing (BDT)" can make your testing more effective. I will also cover the differences between BDD (Behavior Driven Development) and BDT, how BDT affects the Test Pyramid, and the value proposition of using BDT. 

Feedback on WAAT

I am considering adding some functionality to WAAT. However, before I do that, I would like to know what your opinion is.

So, to all those who are either using, tried using, or, want to use WAAT: Can you please provide me some feedback based on the following questions:

  • Which flavor of WAAT do you use? 
    • Java
    • Ruby
    • Both
  • Have you faced any problems using WAAT? 
    • If yes, what problems? How did you resolve them?
  • WAAT using the httpSniffer approach has known limitations (namely: does not support https request capturing, and on non-Windows platform you need to run the tests using root access). 
    • Have you run into these limitations? 
    • How did you resolve the issue?
  • Do you find the WAAT wiki useful?
    • If not, what if done differently will provide more value?
  • Any other thoughts / comments on how WAAT can be made better?
Looking forward for your comments.



Thursday, June 21, 2012

Test Driven Development via Agile Testing - slides + audio

I just finished a presentation on Test Driven Development via Agile Testing in the Next Generation Testing Conference in Bangalore. Went pretty well.

The following topics and answer questions related to:
  • Overview of Agile Testing
  • The Test Pyramid
  • Different flavors of TDD
    • BDD – Behavior Driven Development
    • ATDD – Acceptance Driven Development
    • BDT – Behavior Driven Testing
      • Difference between BDD and BDT
      • Tools that support BDT
      • The value proposition BDT offers
Here is a link to the slides. The audio recording of my talk can be downloaded from the link below. You will be able to  listen to the talk using VLC Player or similar.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

vodQA Geek Night - Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) on 5th July

I had presented a topic on Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) in vodQA - Testing and Beyond

We are now running a workshop as a followup to the session to provide a first-hand experience into understanding BDT, and how it can potentially help you in your testing efforts.

Since this is a workshop, seats are limited. If you are interested in attending, please join our vodQA group on facebook and confirm your presence for the vodQA Geek Night event scheduled at 5.30pm on 5th July 2012 in ThoughtWorks Pune.